Executive perspectives

Executive Perspective Blog
Leading voices within the Reynolds American organization share their authentic insights and experiences on the topics they are passionate about.
Leading Side by Side: A Modern Approach to Leadership in Changing Times
Change, whether happening to an individual or within a company, can be difficult. Yet, to grow and evolve as people, and as an organization, change is necessary. And, given that change is constant, how we adapt and lead in periods of uncertainty will determine our success or failure.
Cracking the code — How to continue to grow diversity and inclusion in the tech industry
“If you see it in leadership, others in the environment will follow suit.” In this blog, Aaron Gwinner, our SVP and Chief Information Officer, shares his multi-faceted approach to building trust and creating a workplace where employees have the confidence to voice their opinions. For Aaron, this honesty, openness, and inclusion starts at the top.

Leadership Lab Podcast
In each episode of the Leadership Lab podcast series, our employee discuss with our executive team on a range of important topics, from Business Transformation to The Workforce of the Future. Listen to learn more.
Episode 3: A Better Tomorrow™ through Science and Digital Innovation
In our third episode, James Murphy, Executive Vice President of Research & Development and Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, and Aaron Gwinner, Senior Vice President of Digital Business Solutions, sit down to discuss how Reynolds American is building towards A Better Tomorrow through Science and Digital Innovation. Kianna Sanders, Global Graduate in Consumer Marketing, moderates the conversation, covering various topics, including Tobacco Harm Reduction, ensuring Reynolds American is Fit for the Future, and becoming a data driven organization.
Episode 2: Sustainability & Leadership
Watch as two of Reynolds’ dynamic leaders, Shay Mustafa, Senior Vice President, Business Communications & Sustainability and Bernd Meyer, Executive Vice President of Operations, discuss how our renewed focus on sustainability and efforts to develop bold leaders across our organization are helping to reshape the industry and transform our business. Carcyn Crandall-Wathke, a Global Graduate in Manufacturing who is just beginning her career journey within the Reynolds organization, facilitates the conversation.
Episode 1: Business Transformation
In our very first episode, Senior Scientist, Chanel Griggs sits down with Jorge Araya, Executive Vice President, Marketing & Chief Commercial Officer and Jeff Raborn, Executive Vice President, Law and External Affairs and General Counsel, for an interesting discussion around our corporate purpose of building A Better Tomorrow™, sustainability, career development and how we strive to make our organization a place where all employees thrive

Reynolds American Inc. is the U.S. parent company of, among others, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company; Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc.; American Snuff Company, LLC; R. J. Reynolds Vapor Company; Modoral Brands Inc.; Kentucky BioProcessing, Inc.; RAI Innovations Company; RAI Services Company and; Reynolds Marketing Services Company (the “Subsidiaries”). The Subsidiaries operate and conduct separate, distinct businesses. References to “Reynolds American,” “Reynolds,” “the group,” “the company,” “we,” “us,” and “our” are simply for convenience and are not intended to imply or suggest that the Subsidiaries’ businesses are operated other than as separate, distinct businesses.The videos contain certain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements made within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, or current expectations concerning ESG targets, results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth, strategies, and economic and business circumstances. These forward-looking statements reflect knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of these materials, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional information concerning these and other factors can be found in BAT’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Annual Report on Form 20-F and Current Reports on Form 6-K, which may be obtained free of charge at the SEC’s website, http://www.sec.gov. Reynolds American Inc. and its affiliates are independent subsidiaries of the BAT Group.