Reynolds Breaks Ground on WaterHub Facility in Tobaccoville, N.C.

The NextEra Energy Resources installation is expected to save 60 million gallons of water per year at the Reynolds Operations Center   Winston-Salem, N.C. (September 28, 2023) – Today, Reynolds American Inc. (Reynolds), the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, announces the groundbreaking of the WaterHubSM at the Reynolds Operations Center in Tobaccoville, N.C. The WaterHub is … Continued

Reynolds American Inc. Announces Site, Operations Expansion at ASC Clarksville Facility

The expansion of the American Snuff Company, LLC (ASC) facility brings more jobs and production capabilities to Clarksville, Tennessee operations   Clarksville, Tenn. (September 27, 2023) – Yesterday, Reynolds American Inc. (“Reynolds”) announced the opening of the recently expanded American Snuff Company, LLC (ASC) operations facility in Clarksville, Tenn. The investment in the facility will … Continued

Reynolds Facilities Earn Alliance for Water Stewardship Certification

Reynolds Facilities Earn Alliance for Water Stewardship Certification   Clarksville, Tenn, and Winston-Salem, N.C. sites further progress the organization’s water stewardship efforts   Winston-Salem, N.C. – Reynolds American Inc., the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, and its companies (Reynolds) are proud to announce two of its operating companies’ manufacturing facilities have achieved Alliance for Water Stewardship … Continued

Reynolds Announces Plans for Advanced Water Recycling Facility at Tobaccoville, N.C. Plant

Reynolds Announces Plans for Advanced Water Recycling Facility at Tobaccoville, N.C. Plant The advanced water reclamation plant, a product of a NextEra Energy Resources subsidiary, is projected to save more than 60 million gallons of water annually WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (May 24, 2023) – Reynolds American Inc. (Reynolds), the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, announces that one … Continued

Reynolds Files Lawsuit in California to Protect Its Lawful Non-Menthol Products

Reynolds Files Lawsuit in California to Protect Its Lawful Non-Menthol Products CA head enforcement authorities should focus on illegal disposable flavored vapes flooding the state and targeting youth WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (May 11, 2023) – Reynolds American Inc. (Reynolds) announced today that its subsidiary, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJRT), has filed a lawsuit against California state … Continued

Reynolds Announces Senior Leadership Appointments

Reynolds Announces Senior Leadership Appointments Dr. Priscilla Samuel and Jonathan Reed join Reynolds Management Team Winston-Salem, N.C. (March 7, 2023) – Reynolds American Inc. (Reynolds), the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, is pleased to announce the appointment of two senior leaders within its operating companies. This news follows BAT’s announcement of global senior management changes and … Continued

Planting Trees for A Better Tomorrow™

At our American Snuff Company (ASC) facility in Clarksville, T.N., our employees planted 7,500 trees on five acres of ground, making a significant impact on the environment and community. The massive project led by the ASC Clarksville Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability Teams ensured all employees across all shifts had an opportunity to … Continued

Reynolds’ Tobaccoville Facility Earns Alliance for Water Stewardship Certification

Reynolds facility is one of 250 major water users worldwide to achieve AWS certification Winston-Salem, N.C. (October 17, 2022) – Reynolds American Inc., the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, and its companies (Reynolds) announce that the Reynolds Operations Center (ROC) in Tobaccoville, N.C. has achieved Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certification, further progressing the organization’s Environmental, … Continued